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Living Sculptures: How the Birds Got Their Colours

WA Premiere Performance Circus Dance

Imagination takes flight at Sorrento Beach.

Awe-inspiring and site-specific, Living Sculptures: How the Birds Got Their Colours is a dynamic and captivating performance of First Nations dance, storytelling, and contemporary circus, culminating in a living, breathing work of art against the backdrop of nature’s beauty.

Hear Aboriginal Elder Luther Cora’s interpretation of a simple story with a powerful message: while we may appear different, communicate differently, and have unique perspectives, at the core we share more in common than we have differences.

In this collaborative work from Arc Circus Co. and the Yugambeh Aboriginal Dancers, each performance of Living Sculptures: How the Birds Got Their Colours will be unique, with the artists moving responsively to the unique open-air environment they find themselves in, celebrating ‘place’ and forging connections with the land, sea, sky, and one another.

“Amazing performance!” – Audience Review

Afterwards, don’t miss the deadly moves of local Noongar dance groups, performed to a joyful repertoire of songs by Della Mob, led by Bibbulman Noongar singer-songwriter Della Rae Morrison.

With the lovely warm weather, a beautiful beach setting, and a yummy Indian food-truck available for dinner, don’t miss this unique event and chance for the whole family to enjoy an evening filled with incredible entertainment and community spirit.

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